DNA test trials could reveal 'perfect' housemates

A pioneering DNA personality testing kit is being offered to clients on a trial basis, by an online flat and home share site.

SpareRoom’s DNA Housemate Matchmaking service uses technology designed by Swiss-based Karmagenes, who launched a self-testing kit to offer analysis of an individual’s character based on a DNA profile.

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The genetic analysis is built on scientific findings that show up to 60 per cent of our personality is influenced by DNA, the rest being affected by environmental factors.

By trialling the use of a DNA testing kit, people have the chance to maybe find their perfect harmonious houseshare - by giving a swab of saliva and doing a quick psychometric questionnaire.

The DNA Housemate Matchmaking Kit uses an algorithm that matches specific DNA characteristics to personality traits. Recipients are provided with a detailed report about their personality and how their genetics influence it – looking at 14 characteristics, including spontaneity, optimism, stress tolerance, risk-taking, self-awareness and confidence.

From a chatty extrovert with high confidence finding they’re suited to living with a more relaxed introvert, to an indecisive thinker seeking out a risk-taker who’ll encourage them to shop around for the best deal on energy suppliers: the purpose of matching by genetics is to reveal complementary personality traits and increase the likelihood of a harmonious living environment.

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Matt Hutchinson, communications director at SpareRoom, said: “Although flatsharing can be an amazing experience, it depends on getting the balance of people right, which can feel like a game of trial an error.

"We want to help our users have the happiest experiences of sharing they possibly can, so we’re trialling DNA kits to see if we can bring a little science to bear on the process.

“There’s no such thing as the perfect flatshare, but understanding a little more about yourself, and knowing how to pick your flatmates to match your personality, will help you find the perfect balance for you.”

Prospective housemates can register their interest in receiving a kit for a trial of the DNA housemate matchmaking, by visiting SpareRoom’s Facebook page.