Letters: Readers have their say on social distancing, plastic recycling and the future of statues of Britain's slave owners

In this week's letters, readers discuss concerns about the district's infrastructure, their views on new social distancing guidelines and more.In this week's letters, readers discuss concerns about the district's infrastructure, their views on new social distancing guidelines and more.
In this week's letters, readers discuss concerns about the district's infrastructure, their views on new social distancing guidelines and more.
In this week's letters, readers discuss concerns about the district's infrastructure, their views on new social distancing guidelines and more.

M62 junction is an accident blackspot

Christine Major, via email

I was dismayed to hear that there has yet again been a RTA on Junction 29-30 of the M62, when people are not even back to work fully yet.

Back in 2015, I had a major accident here and I was lucky to walk away from it alive. This is an accident black spot and I have voiced my concerns to Highways England due to the numerous accidents that have happened here.

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They responded on behalf of the contractor, yet still no action has been taken to investigate and take measures to prevent accidents happening here again.

Social distancing

Richard Saberton, via email

Social distancing has now been changed from 2m to 1m. But once again the message, like a lot of the Government’s pronouncements, is not clear or precise and is shrouded in caveats and exceptions.

Ideally we should stay 2m apart but if we can’t then we should stay 1m apart but preferably 1m+ apart! All clear on that?

The prime minister is relying on the common sense and good behaviour of the British public to make it work.

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I personally will be amazed if the British public can understand the instructions never mind obey them?

Infrastructure not considered

Judy Goodwin, Altofts

As Wakefield Council’s determination to cover and ruin Wakefield and surrounding areas with concrete do they ever give a though to the infrastructure, in my neck of the woods (Altofts)?

Until you reach Ship Corner there is only one road in and one road out and yet hundreds more houses are planning to be built.

As two of the three schools in Altofts are roadside, the increase in traffic will play havoc with air quality.

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Benson Lane in Normanton is served by a slim access road yet hundreds of houses are to be built at the end of it.

The residents are fed up to the back teeth of big lorries up and down all day, it will only get worse when hundreds of cars are doing the same.

What price air quality for the children at Normanton Common school when at busy periods Castleford Road will become one big car park?

Statues can be put in museums

Janice Dermody, via email

Just a thought on statues or artefacts that represent history of slavery of the past and of the now.

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Can these items all be placed in and around the UK as museum pieces in two or three open air venues?

For example put the statues on open air land as a reminder of slavery of the past and the now, for all future and present generations to visit with the stories behind them told.

Wakefield has the Sculpture Park to demonstrate art, but wouldn’t it be a fantastic mark of respect for all those past and present lives affected by slavery to be given that respect and global awareness?

To have these in outdoor places to visit, so the general public can learn from the slavery in the past and current day modern slavery.

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This is ultimately education for all generations and could have a positive outcome for our country and possibly other countries to follow suite.

In praise of puzzles

Jon Rigby, Wrenthorpe

I always enjoy reading the Express, and look forward to a new week of puzzles to keep my ‘retired’ mind active.

I have particularly appreciated your decision to increase the puzzles pages during lockdown - a masterful stroke!

Please tell the person who came up with the idea how much they have helped us!

Bottle reward and return

N Bywater, Oak Grove, Morley:

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Council staff and volunteers have been working tirelessly in all weathers to combat the increasing amount of litter dumped on our streets and parks.

Back in 2017 Michael Gove was contemplating a ‘reward and return’ scheme for plastic bottles. When will this scheme be implemented?

It would certainly have meant parks would be much cleaner.

Scotland has a deposit return scheme that has been designed to make it easy for us all to do the right thing.

People pay a small deposit of 20p when they buy a drink in a single-use container and then get the deposit back when they return the empty bottle or can.

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Something to say? Email your letters to editorial@pandcexpress.co.uk. Please keep letters to a maximum of 300 words. Letters cannot be published without a name and postal address. Also include a daytime phone number if possible. We reserve the right to edit any letter.